Police and crime commissioners

Police and crime commissioners are elected by the public to ensure the policing needs of communities are met as effectively as possible and to oversee how crime is tackled in your police force area.

Privacy notice

The following is to explain your rights and give you the information you are entitled to under UK data protection legislation.

  1. The identity and contact details of the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and our Data Protection Officer.

    MHCLG is the data controller for data held on Choose My Police Crime Commissioner (CMPCC) Website. The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at dataprotection@communities.gov.uk.

    HH Global Ltd (HH) is a data processor and will operate within the contract with MHCLG only, and not beyond this agreement.

  2. What personal data we are collecting and why

    We will collect the following personal data (where an order for a booklet is placed): name, address, format(s) of booklet requested.

    The reason we are collecting this data is to enable printed copies of booklets to be delivered as requested.

    Your personal data is being collected to:

    • Send requested CMPCC booklets and/or Accessibility versions to members of the public.

    The following personal data is being collected for this purpose:

    • Member of public requesting a physical booklet or audio copy, name, address, and postcode.

    We will collect the following personal data when someone voluntarily signs up to join our user research group:

    • Name (optional)
    • Email address (optional)

    The data is being collected for the purpose of contacting volunteers who may wish to take part in future user testing activities

  3. Lawful basis for processing the data

    The data protection legislation sets out when we are lawfully allowed to process your data. The lawful basis that applies to this processing is within a public task, that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.

    We also collect information about the use of our website through cookies. Where we use non-essential cookies, you will be asked whether you agree to these. If you do agree, our lawful basis for processing any website usage data will be your consent (Article 6(1)(a)).

  4. With whom we will be sharing the data

    Data will be securely shared with HH Global, who will send the requested CMPCC booklet/s to the member of the public’s address that has been voluntarily inputted into the website webform.

    Data collected for the purpose of user testing will not be shared with any third party. 

  5. For how long we will keep the personal data

    Election Address Data

    Your election address data will be held by MHCLG until the next election or by-election to allow members of the public to view previous candidates and election addresses for the police area/s of interest. The election address data will be deleted from MHCLG system and replaced with candidate and election address data for the election called, or only the election addresses for a police area replaced where a by-election is called.

    Public PII Data

    Your personal data will be held by MHCLG until the end of the day when it is securely shared with HH Global to fulfil your booklet order. Upon completion of forwarding your order, the Public PII data will be deleted on MHCLG system. HH Global will hold the Public PII data for 30 working days whilst fulfilling the order and to check against if any issues with order receipt. HH Global will delete the Public PII data from their system after the 30 working days and send confirmation of the deletion to MHCLG.

    User Testing Participant Data

    Contact data collected for the purposes of contacting potential user testing participants will be stored and the participation contact list will be reviewed every 2 years to determine if data is still required, and if not will be deleted from MHCLG systems.

  6. Your rights, e.g. access, rectification, erasure

    The data we are collecting is your personal data, and you have rights that affect what happens to it. You have the right to:

    1. know that we are using your personal data
    2. see what data we have about you
    3. ask to have your data corrected, and to ask how we check the information
      we hold is accurate
    4. complain to the ICO (see below)

    In some circumstances you may also have the right to withdraw your consent to us having or using your data, to have all data about you deleted, or to object to particularly types of use of your data. We will tell you when these rights apply.

  7. Sending data overseas, storage, security and data management

    Your personal data will not be sent overseas. Your personal data will be stored in a secure government IT system.

  8. Automated decision making

    We will not use your data for any automated decision making.

  9. Complaints and more information

    When we ask you for information, we will keep to the law, including the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK General Data Protection Regulation.

    If you are unhappy with the way the Department has acted, you can
    make a complaint

    If you are not happy with how we are using your personal data, you should first contact dataprotection@communities.gov.uk.

    If you are still not happy, or for independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing, you can contact:

    The Information Commissioner’s Office
    Wycliffe House
    Water Lane
    Wilmslow, Cheshire,
    SK9 5AF
    Telephone: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745